Thursday, August 19, 2010

5 months!

So my tip of the day is for you iphone goddesses. Camerabag app is AWESOME! I love being able to capture a current image and make it look as though it was taken in the 70s... or 60s even. Swoon.. I just got it this morning and I am already in love. Those pics above are some of the fun filters on a photo I snapped on my phone yesterday of Owen in his big boy seat! The new iphone's camera is so much better so I can only imagine how good those would look with these filters. Oh, AND it's only 2 bucks!

Yes, he is over 18 lbs and has almost outgrown his baby carseat so we had to use the seat that came with the Quinny for our maiden voyage without the carseat attachment..

5 months... I can't believe it! We have been busy little bees, at OKC last week and sleep training this week... but I wanted to post a quick shot of Owen's 5 month old shoot (part 1) he was cranky so we'll try again this afternoon. I was able to get this one before the #5 went into his mouth and then he spit up all over his tie.

ch-ch-ch-anging... He is changing every day! He can now sit up by himself and tries to crawl! He can't of course but it doesn't stop him from trying. Owen is such a blessing and I am sooo thankful that I am able to stay home and watch him grow!