Friday, May 7, 2010

If only I could post from my iphone...

So thank goodness for the iphone. I have been a blackberry user (work phone) for around 5 years or so and thought it was the best... little did I know how crucial an iphone would become to me once I had a little one. This is the only way I can keep in touch with the outside world, read books, and shop with one hand! I haven't figured out how to post blog updates from the iphone, hence my infrequency of posts. Plus the fact that during the blessed 10 minute breaks I get when Owen takes his little power naps I have a long list of things I'd like to accomplish and blogging just hasn't been one of them. BUT finally here we are, at 7 weeks... another update!
Owen is 9lbs 6 oz and 23 inches long...
He is getting more and more fun each day. I know all parents probably feel this way, but he is constantly melting my heart!
He enjoys eating for a few minutes ,napping for a few minutes, eating... and so on. So we get a lot of time to bond. He has also slept for two 5 hour stretches (and the big bonus here is that they were both AT NIGHT!) So we are considering ourselves very lucky! Dr. Zetik says he is a bit colicy but as long as I can survive breastfeeding until he gets over this hump I think we will get by just fine! It seems to be the only way to console him.
He holds his head up about 70% of the time while holding him and is already grabbing at things (mostly hair and earrings but we still consider this a developmental success!)
He loves to talk, smile and giggle... especially in the mornings.
He's still not a big fan of tummy time but we try to get in a few minutes each day.
I have recently been trying to become more diligent about reading to him at night. He mostly just looks at my face instead of the book but I figure that it's good practice for all of us.
We are taking our first road trip this weekend. The Scottie Scramble is Monday (a golf tournament that Ben's father does each year in honor of his dad- scholarships are awarded to local highschool golfers) so we are going to Edmond for that. I'm looking forward to this considering we consider it a victory if we can accomplish a trip to the grocery store without a complete meltdown. (As I mentioned above... we have only found one way to console him when he gets fussy and this is not appropriate to do in the middle of a grocery store)
I have decided to apply for a leave of absence from IBM for one year. This means that I will still be considered an employee so I can apply for internal hire positions and continue to be on IBM benefits. I will find out soon if this is approved. Either way, I am very excited to be able to stay home with Owen! The days go by so quickly and I am so thankful that I get to experience all of it!

1 comment:

  1. I use blogpress to post from my iPhone, it's the only one I have found. It is really easy and you can post pics!
