Monday, May 4, 2009

Not the best blogger...

Okay, so I am really not a good blogger. It's hard to keep up. It's been a whirlwind month, but we finally moved into the new house, got a renter for 5508 and so we feel like it's the beginning of the calm after the storm... Saying it in that one quick sentence really does it no justice because there were a lot of fun stories that go along with it. For instance, Megan and Andy told us about this amazing painter that has been a HUGE blessing for us to get so much done in a small amount of time... but little did we know painting was just the beginning... he does electrical work, door knobs, and even cut our cabinets to make the fridge fit! (we measured before we moved in, but the tile we put in is taller than what was there.. so um yeah, it didn't fit!) AND the renter... we put it on craigslist in March, within 4 days we had a lease agreement and $1500. in cash deposit from a lady interested in moving in. She had a guarantor and provided background application on the guarantor but refused to give us any info on her. She's a really nice lady, but for all we know she could have burned down her ex-husbands house or something... we at least needed her social to do a background check. So we asked for it and got every excuse under the sun... including, "I'm just too tired to write it down" ?? what?? So, after a few texts back and forth (she began dodging my calls around April 4th she stopped responding all together. So I left a message explaining that we had to put it back on craigslist if we didn't hear from her by the end of day... we never heard from her. We found new renters and I think it will all work out but it's just hilarious the excuses people will come up with to try to avoid giving information...

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